Wednesday, November 19, 2008

See Mommy Sew

If you would like to learn more about me, go read the blog of See Mommy Sew! She interviewed me in her blog. The dragonfly necklace mentioned in the article did sell at a craft show, but you can see the picture of it at the top of my blog :) Thanks See Mommy Sew!
Here is the link to what she wrote here. It was very sweet of you to promote my shop.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Etsy on CNN

Wow, the website I sell my jewelry on, Etsy, got mentioned on Cnn! Not my shop specifically, but I do get excited when I see things that point people to Etsy. You can read the article here. Looks like I'm not the only one enjoying crafting this year :)

In a Treasury

On the etsy website, people are allowed to make a treasury, which is basically making a page of items they like that are being sold on etsy. The treasury only lasts for a couple days, but it is great exposure for your shop. It is a huge compliment. I am thrilled my green oval earrings are being featured until Friday in this treasury. You can see them on the bottom right corner. Maybe someone will see them and buy them. They would look great for Christmas time!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I have been featured!

Another etsy seller decided to include one of my necklaces in her blog! I feel very flattered she is promoting my necklace. Come check out her blog entry here. It seems this is my most popular necklace, and yet it still hasn't sold. It is the dragonfly one.

Friday, November 7, 2008

More Preparing

The craft show is less than a week away! I pulled out all my jewelry and started pricing it. I also got these lovely displays for my table at the show. I think my jewelry looks so nice on them :) Here is a picture of some of my preparations.